God’s Faithfulness - How God Paid My 3 Months Rent

Published on 31 December 2024 at 00:37

As 2024 gradually comes to a close, reflecting on the entire year and God's faithfulness, I feel led to share this testimony of His provision—to give glory to God, show my gratitude, and encourage someone.

It all began when someone challenged me to step up my faith with these words: “When will you learn to depend solely on God for anything and everything? If something were to happen to your mom, what would you do?”

Without realizing it, I had made my mom my source of security. I was deeply challenged in my spirit. I call God "Father," yet I had never truly given Him the opportunity to provide and care for me as a Father would, especially financially. I decided that had to change. Though I was terrified, I longed for growth and change in this area.

By the time 2024 arrived, I had been out of work since the middle of the previous year, with only a few shifts here and there. My mom wasn’t keen on converting naira to pounds, and with rent due soon, I found myself facing this challenge with a mixture of fear and a strange excitement. This was a real-life situation—time to trust God and see what would happen.

I decided I would not burden my mom. My rent for February would be paid by God's help—if He didn’t help me, then I wouldn’t be helped. I didn’t tell anyone about my situation because I didn’t want the pressure of others’ expectations leading me to seek help. Every step of the way, I kept talking to the Holy Spirit, asking for His help to avoid seeking a Plan B, trusting that He would provide without delay. I also continued applying for jobs with no positive response.

My greatest fear was missing the deadline for the rent renewal. Every day, I kept thinking, God, You know I need to renew this rent by 01/02/2024. It cannot exceed that date, or I don’t know what I’ll do - I couldn’t comprehend  how things would be beyond that date.

The fear of being embarrassed by the agency, the fear of eviction, the fear of being homeless—these thoughts gave me anxiety.

In the midst of all these fears, I drowned myself in the Word of God, seeking comfort from scripture. The Holy Spirit ministered peace to me during the waiting period, using sermons, testimonies, and even my church family—who had no idea they were being used by God.

The doubts kept coming consistently, most often in the form of questions like, “What makes you think tomorrow will be any different from today? How will this be sorted? You’ll just keep waiting forever.”

And yet, I continued afraid, trusting God, prayering and confessing these words every now and then; "I will not beg, I will not borrow, and I will not cover my face in shame, for I have called upon the Lord, for they that call upon the name of the Lord shall not be put to shame." Romans 10:11.

The first month, I thought I’d just get a job and pay the rent off. By the second month, I was now two months behind. I still hoped to pay the rent with money from a job that hadn’t yet materialized. By the third month, I started to laugh. I wasn’t concerned about paying the rent myself anymore. It was as if the bigger the amount, the more I saw it as God's responsibility, not mine. Something had shifted inside me. I was no longer scared. I had crossed boundaries I once feared, and I hadn’t died. I wasn’t embarrassed by anyone, and I wasn’t evicted.


Then, just like any other random day, it happened. I was asked to use my exchange account to hold some money for my brother’s fees. It was the exact amount needed to pay his fees.

I received the first payment and converted it to pounds, then did the same with the second. By this time, the naira was falling rapidly, and it was risky to leave the money in my account without converting it. But when the third payment came in, I felt a nudge to wait and not convert it just yet as it seemed that there might be an increase.

I obeyed, waiting until I had the full amount for the fees. It took weeks, and by this time, I was 2 or 3 weeks into working a new job, where I was being paid weekly.

I had the assurance that it was the Holy Spirit guiding me to wait, I was just anticipating what would happen. Then, something amazing actually happened. Against all odds, there was an increase in naira, which was very unlikely. So much so that after removing my brother’s fees, I had about £1350 left—out of nowhere! In one day, suddenly, I had enough to cover three months' rent! I paid my rent £1560, and shortly after, the naira resumed its decline.

When it seemed like the provision wouldn’t come, God showed up. I still marvel at how it was all sorted out and how He came through. The agency was shocked when I paid everything in one go—moving from owing to fully paid.

When I remember how impossible it seemed, I am in awe of how He worked things out. His timing is always perfect.

I experienced this, and it’s changed my life forever. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will continually depend on God for all things. In future times, I will not be shaky and all over the place, as I was most of the time when it came to depending on God.

I pray for more avenue to grow and experience God in 2025!

I hope this blessed you🥰🥰 

Special thanks to mama Rayo aka Lagoshousewife for your guidance, encouragement and also simplifying what it means to trust God. God bless you ma🙏🏾

Happy New year in advance!🎉

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